+91 40 40169466

Long Term Evolution

Long Term Evolution

Long Term Evolution (LTE) offers comprehensive network architecture that enables support for Next Generation services, collaborative communications and hybrid applications. We offer complete LTE Lifecycle services and solutions that enable telecom operators to accelerate time-to-market with smart, flexible, revenue generating services and equipment vendors to quickly launch their products and roll out their carrier class services.

  • LTE Network Plan, Build and Operate
  • Product Engineering Services
  • LTE Testing Services
  • OSS and BSS Integration


  • Spanning competencies across the LTE value chain
  • Pre-integrated LTE solutions
  • Partnerships that enable end-to-end solutions
  • Dedicated program, focussed on innovation and thought leadership across the organization related to:
  1. Automation tools and simulators
  2. Frameworks and platforms
  3. Processes and best practices
  4. Value Added Services (VAS) Solutions
  • Various labs to support innovation and customer centric applications
  • Overarching customer experience enhancement procedures